Questions We’re Asked at Tradeshows

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We attend several trade fairs each year and find the experience of being present and talking with people one-on-one to be invaluable. Each show provides us with an opportunity to learn more about the current trends and connect/reconnect with individuals in the industry. In addition to expanding our network, we are able to use the feedback received and respond to the market’s needs.

Tomorrow, we leave for the World Conference on Quality and Improvement in Nashville, TN.  There, quality professionals from around the world will gather to talk shop, be inspired and learn something new. We’ll be in Booth 338!

Three of the most common questions we receive when exhibiting at a trade event include: 

“What exactly do you do?”

It’s true that many of our clients didn’t even know that 3PQs existed before they decided to stop and ask. They may have thought about sourcing agents or certification companies, but they seem genuinely pleased to know that organizations such as ours exist to partner and provide solutions that reduce their quality risks and cost.

“Shouldn’t the suppliers be responsible for their own quality?”

Although many suppliers do have effective quality initiatives in place, a third-party assessment can provide the assurance of verification and also incorporate any additional requirements that may be specific to the client’s industry or products. It’s a win-win to be proactive and ensure that requirements are being met. The cost will ultimately be less, not more.

“What can you do better than we can?”

We specialize in quality. It’s what we do.  By using a 3PQ like us, clients leverage our expertise and reduce their cost with our local presence.  We work closely with you and represent your interests on-site.

After WCQI, we’ll be attending TexWorld in NYC and MedTechWorld in Orlando and then return to exhibit at the Global Sources: Electronics & Components show in Hong Kong.

What trade events do you regularly attend? 


This year, we made “I <3 Quality” koozie

beverage holders to give away at WCQI!


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