In today’s fast-paced digital world, we have asked ourselves if exhibiting in trade shows is still a relevant form of reaching people. Overwhelmingly, the team agrees that while they are not an inexpensive way to market, it remains one of the most favorable. Face-to-Face Connections – Emails and Skype calls only go so far to connect people. At trade shows, we’re able to talk with people one-on-one and answer any specific questions and/or concerns they may have about sourcing and the role of 3rd party quality providers in that process. We also learn from those visiting our booths, through their shared experiences and perceptions of the industry. Reconnecting – We have several existing clients that frequent the same shows we exhibit at. As an opportunity to catch up, it is always a welcome surprise to see a familiar face stop by our booth. Scanning the Environment – Attending or exhibiting industry shows gives us a unique opportunity to assess the environment. It allows us to examine trends within our markets and provides significant insight for future strategy development. As the Global Sources Electronics & Components show comes to an end in Hong Kong, we are pleased with the steady traffic and representatives from so many regions of the world that came together for the event and spoke with us regarding reducing quality risks and cost. Compared to previous shows, we did see less of a presence from European countries but noted a significant number of attendees from California, Brazil, and Russia. Candace and Shirley traveled over from Pro QC’s Shenzhen office, and Bruno and Shirley traveled from our headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan.