A consistent trend emerges as successful organizations demonstrate sustainable mission statements and visions. In the quality industry, many certifications even require in-depth knowledge of mission statement development and keys for successful implementation. In Fayol’s Four Functions of Management, the development of a mission statement and strategy are included within the Planning phase.
Mission statements are important.
At recent strategy meetings, Pro QC refreshed the organization’s mission statement which now includes:
“The Pro QC Global Team enables our customers to project their interests in quality and conformance. Anywhere. Anytime.”
While most organizations have mission statements, the challenging component is following through and embedding that message into the corporate culture. We also like to think that when organizations include quality in their guiding mission and manage successful corporate cultures, the consumer ultimately wins.
There are several articles out there offering tips for mission statement development. A few of the most popular considerations include:
What do you do?
What is your long-term vision?
Where are you located?
Who do you serve?
How are you going to do it?
Additional resources include:
How to Write Your Mission Statement – Entrepreneur
Developing Effective Mission & Vision Statements – Inc.
Developing Vision & Mission Statements – Purdue